Tracking and Evaluating Talent Management
What Are KPIs in Talent Management? Talent management is the process by which a firm assembles the best personnel for its business model and then continues to develop and satisfy the specific motivations and requirements of employees to keep them on board (Goldsmith & Carter, 2009) . According to Adamsen and Swailes (2019) management of talent, KPIs fuels those efforts by assessing the efficacy of HR teams' activities and procedures for attracting, developing, retaining, and deploying personnel with the skills and aptitude to fulfill the company's current and future needs. Even as a manager for a leading fast food outlet global chain, we also got many benefits through adopting KPI s related to talent management. How to Put Talent Management Metrics into Practice While the precise data will differ by industry, many of the formulae and criteria used to assess talent management are common. As a result, powerful HCM software can automate the tracking and analysis ...