Talent Management Process Model

 The process of talent management may start with, acknowledging the necessity for talent and results in filling that gap and ultimately growing and optimizing the abilities, traits, and experience of workers, new and recent (Ployhart, et al., 2013). Figure 1 depicts the key points of the talent management process.

Figure 1- Talent Management Process Model

Source – semanticscholar.org (2019)


1. Planning: Design, like any process with a group output, is the start of the talent management process (Sareen & Mishra, 2016). It involves the subsequent characteristic wherever the gaps lie the human capital demand, formulating job descriptions for the mandatory key roles to assist guide sourcing and choice and developing personnel set up for achievement initiatives (King & Vaiman, 2019).

2. Attracting: supported the setup, the natural next step is to decide whether the talent necessities ought to be crammed in from at intervals the organization or from external sources (Whysall, et al., 2019). Either way, the process would involve attracting a healthy flow of candidates. the same old external sources embrace job portals, social networks, and referrals (Effron & Ort, 2010). The talent pools that require to be tapped into should be known earlier to stay the method as swish and economical as doable. this is often wherever the type of leader whole that the organization has designed for itself, comes into play because that decides the standard of applications that are available (Khatri, et al., 2010).

3. Selecting: This involves employing a string of tests and checks to search out the proper match for the duty – the best person-organization match (Sareen & Mishra, 2016). Written tests, interviews, cluster discussions, associated psychology testing in conjunction with associate in-depth analysis of all-out their info on the candidate on public access platforms facilitate gauging an all-rounded image of the person. these days there are software and AI-enabled solutions that recruiters will use to skim through a huge population of CVs to specialize in the foremost appropriate choices and to search out the best match (Gallardo, et al., 2015).

 4. Developing: Quite a few organizations these days operate the concept of hiring for perspective and coaching for skills (Whysall, et al., 2019). This is smart because whereas you'd desire a predisposition to bound skill sets, it's the person who you're hiring and not the CV (Haziazi, 2021). Developing staff to assist them to grow with the organization and coaching them for the experience required to contribute to business success additionally builds loyalty and improves worker engagement (Sareen & Mishra, 2016). This begins with a good onboarding program to assist the worker to settle into the new role, followed by providing ample opportunities for enhancing the talents, aptitude, and proficiency whereas additionally facultative growth through guidance, coaching, mentoring, and job-rotation schemes (Khatri, et al., 2010).

 5. Retaining: For any organization to be winning, sustainably, talent must be preserved effectively. Most organizations try and retain their best talent through promotions and increments, providing opportunities for growth, encouraging involvement in special comes and decision-making, coaching for additional evolved roles, and rewards and recognition programs (Schuler, et al., 2011).

6. Transitioning: Effective talent management always focuses on a collective transformation and evolution of the organization through the expansion of each staff. This involves creating every worker feel that they're a section of a much bigger whole. Providing retirement advantages, conducting exit interviews, and effective succession designing might sound like unrelated career points however they're all transition tools that alter the shared journey  (Schuler, et al., 2011).




Effron, M. & Ort, M., 2010. One Page Talent Management: Eliminating Complexity, Adding Value. s.l.:Harvard Business Review Press.

Gallardo, E., Nijs, S., Dries, N. & Gallo, P., 2015. Towards an understanding of talent management as a phenomenon-driven field using bibliometric and content analysis. Human Resource Management Review, 25(3), pp. 264-279.

Haziazi, H. A., 2021. Development of Framework for Talent. Development of Framework for Talent, 9(4), pp. 1771-1781.

Khatri, P., Gupta, S., Gulati, K. & Chauhan, S., 2010. Talent Management in HR. Journal of Management and Strategy, 1(1), pp. 39-46.

King, K. A. & Vaiman, V., 2019. Enabling Effective Talent Management through a Macro-Contingent Approach: A Framework for Research and Practice. BRQ business Research Quarterly, 22(3), pp. 194-206.

Ployhart, R. E., Nyberg, A. J., Reilly, G. & Maltarich, M. A., 2013. Human Capital Is Dead; Long Live Human Capital Resources!. Journal Of Management, 40(2), pp. 371-398.

Sareen, P. & Mishra, S., 2016. A Study of Talent Management and Its Impact on Performance of. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 18(12), pp. 66-73.

Schuler, R. S., Jackson, S. E. & Tarique, I., 2011. Global talent management and global talent challenges: Strategic opportunities for IHRM. Journal of World Business, 46(4), pp. 505-516.

Semanticscholar, 2019. Semanticscholar. [Online]
Available at: https://www.semanticscholar.org/me/research
[Accessed 10 11 2021].

Whysall, Z., Owtram, M. & Brittain, S., 2019. The new talent management challenges of Industry 4.0. Journal of Management Development, 38(2), pp. 118-129.





  1. Hi Isuru, I do agree with your content. To further elaborate on the topic, Talent management assures the organisations that competent people with the right skills and right job positions are employed (Taheri, Hosseinpour and Siadat, 2021).It is widely accepted that in the recent economic downturn, there are many demands for talent, and thus many organisations employ talent management systems to create a competitive advantage. Further, The lack of an integrated talent management process, as a strategic approach, leads to a waste of time, effort, and money (Khor et al., 2020).

    1. Thank you Nirmika for your valuable thoughts. yes, I do agree with you that Talent management ensures that competent people with the right talents and job positions are employed in organizations (Siadat, 2021).

  2. Good explanation Isuru. The first step, planning aligns talent management model in line with the overall goals of the company (Thunnissen, 2016). In addition, it assesses current workers to see what is working well for the organization. For instance, if an employee with certain characteristics tend to stay at the organization for a longer duration, management can plan to hire more workers similar to them (Sparrow, 2019).

    1. Thank you, Dileep for your valuable thoughts. Also Following the setup, the obvious next step is to determine whether the talent requirements should be filled from within the business or from outside sources (Whysall, et al., 2019)

  3. Hi isuru, agree with you, adding to your points, The conditions generated by the outcomes of the macro talent system are therefore consequential to the organizations are operating within these contexts. For example, outcomes such as macro system produces or country competitiveness for global talent, etc. (Khilji et al., 2015).

    1. Thank you, Dineth for your valuable thoughts. Also adding to your point, The beginning of the talent management process, like any process with a collective result, is design (Sareen & Mishra, 2016)

  4. Hi Isuru, well written article and adding to that according to Armstrong (2006) Talent management is the use of an integrated set of activities to ensure that the organization attracts, retains, motivates and develops the talented people it needs now and in the future. Further more aim is to secure the flow of talent, bearing in mind that talent is a major corporate resource.

    1. Thank you, Lakshan for your valuable thoughts. Also adding to your point, This entails putting a series of tests and checks in place to find the optimal person-organization match for the job (Sareen & Mishra, 2016).

  5. Hi Isuru. Agree with the content. Adding more points, Dries (2013) mentions that, Talents are seen as unique strategic resources, crucial for achieving sustained competitive advantage. Armstrong & Taylor (2020) states Talent Planning as a main point of talent management process which uses the techniques of workforce planning and leading to the development of policies for attracting and retaining talent and estimating potential requirements as monitored by talent audits.

    1. Thank you for sharing your useful insights, Gihan. Following the initial setup, the apparent next step is to assess if the talent requirements should be filled internally or externally (Whysall, et al., 2019).

  6. In deed agreed with you Isuru, It is really necessary to manage the talents of employees in organization if you want drive them to achieve organizational goals.Talent management starts with the business strategy and what it signifies in terms of the talented people required by the organization. Ultimately, its aim is to develop and maintain a talent pool consisting of a skilled, engaged and committed workforce(Armstrong,2006).

    1. Thank you for your helpful input, Manoj. This means putting in place a series of tests and checks to determine the best person-organization match for the position, to add to your point (Sareen & Mishra, 2016).

  7. Agree with you Isuru, further to this would like to add the conceptual research on talent management process, that consist on perceived organizational justice, research performance and perceived talent management (Eghbal, Hoveida, Seyadat, Samavatyan and Yarmohammadian, 2017). Moreover the justice process categorized as Procedural justice, interactional justice and distributive justice, where discovering talent sources, attracting talents, retaining talents and identifying talen needs can be categorized under the perceived talent management (Niehoff, Moorman, 1993).

    1. Thank you for your valuable contribution. Yes, I completely agree with you. Attracting top-tier personnel, expanding their knowledge and abilities through training, inspiring them to improve their performance, and establishing a healthy work environment are all part of talent management. These processes, when handled effectively, can empower your people, allowing the organization to realize its aspirations and goals (Caplan, 2013).

  8. Talent audits can identify employees with high potential and provide the basis for benchmarking talent in terms of talent acquisition, talent development, and retention (Aljbour et al., 2021). In addition, the talent development skills model can support future requirements and identify skills shortages (North et al., 2021).

    Aljbour, A., French, E. and Ali, M. 2021. An evidence-based multilevel framework of talent management: a systematic review. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).

    North, C., Shortt, M., Bowman, M.A. and Akinkuolie, B. 2021. How Instructional Design Is Operationalized in Various Industries for job-Seeking Learning Designers: Engaging the Talent Development Capability Model. TechTrends. 65(5), pp.713-730.

    1. Ravi, thank you for sharing your valuable ideas. The obvious next step after the initial setup is to determine if the talent requirements should be filled internally or externally (Whysall, et al., 2019).

  9. Yes, I agree with you, Talent should match particular organisational expectations and intents. However, it may be argued that, although all employees in an organisation should be exposed to development opportunities, they are regarded as talented (Waldt,2020)

    1. Thank you for your helpful input, Suranagi. This means putting in place a series of tests and checks to determine the best person-organization match for the position, to add to your point (Sareen & Mishra, 2016).

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hi Isuru, well said, The primary purpose of talent management is to create a motivated workforce who will stay with your company in the long run. The exact way to achieve this will differ from company to company.Sareen, P. & Mishra, S., 2016

    1. Purnima, thank you for sharing your valuable ideas. The obvious next step after the initial setup is to determine if the talent requirements should be filled internally or externally (Whysall, et al., 2019).

  12. Hi Isuru, agreed, Talent management practices have evolved over the years to cater to people-specific trends much like all other aspects of work, and have changed in fast strides over the last few years. Strategic talent management is a necessity in today’s hyper-change environment. Global trends in talent and human capital management have led to a renaissance of the work-worker-workplace equation. Sareen, P. & Mishra, S., 2016

    1. Thank you for your helpful input, Ijaz. Yes, I believe that talent management ensures that firms hire competent people with the necessary skills and job responsibilities (Siadat, 2021).


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